Commercial Recycling Guidelines

What must be recycled by Commercial Properties?

Aluminum, corrugated cardboard, steel and Bimetallic cans, glass (clear and colored) and leaf waste (defined as leaves, garden residues, shrubbery and tree trimmings and similar materials but not including grass clippings)

Continental Paper Grading and Consolidated Scrap Resources, Inc. have options for paper recycling.  See the attached information.


Make private arrangements with a recycling hauler.

What is next?

Report annually on a form furnished by Windsor Township the types of materials recycled and the name of the private contractor. 

Where do I turn for more information or if I have questions?

Call the Township Office at 244-3512. 

Hate Litter?

Conduct a community litter clean-up program in York County and dispose of it FREE at the York County Solid Waste Authority, 2700 Blackbridge Rd., York, PA.

For more details visit the York County Solid Waste Authority website

Looking for a site to clean up?

Call Keep York Beautiful at 717-840-2375


Waste & Recycling Menu