Under the State Covered Device Recycling Act of 2010, you are prohibited from disposing of electronic devices such as laptops, computers, monitors, microwave ovens and televisions in your trash. They must now be sent to an electronics recycler.
The York County Solid Waste Authority holds a weekly Residential Electronics Recycling Program. The program is free and open to York County residents only. The collections take place at the York County Resource Recovery Center at 2651 Blackbridge Road. Hours for dropoff are Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Click here for additional information.
The York County Solid Waste Authority has complied a list of local businesses that reuse and recycle many common building and landscaping materials such as asphalt, cabinets, carpet, concrete, countertops, doors, drywall, electrical, flooring, hardware, metals, roofing, siding, windows and wood. See the attached list regarding the Recycling of Construction Waste.
Woody Waste Dropoff Schedule
- Saturday, March 9th, April 13th, June 8th, July 13th, August 10th, September 14th, October 12th, December 14th
- 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
- Public Works Building – 970 White Oak Road, Windsor
- No commercial businesses.
- No bamboo, grass clippings, tree stumps, sawdust, mulch or flower debris will be accepted.
- There is a six (6) ft. length limit.
- There is a six (6) inch diameter limit.
- There is no need to bundle the woody waste brought to the drop-off location.
- This service is available to Windsor Township residents only.
- Photo identification will be required.
2024 Fall Woody Waste Curbside Collection
Saturday, November 9th
There is no limit.
- Must be bundled and tied with twine or placed in a biodegradable bag
- Maximum length – 4′
- Material should be 1/4″ to 3″ in diameter
- No trimmings in garbage bags or cans
- No grass clippings
- No tree stumps
Fall Leaf Collection
- Dates to be determined
Rake leaves as close to the edge of the blacktop/curb as possible in narrow rows away from fences, posts, poles or cars. Tree limbs, grass, shrubs, hedge trimmings, bricks, stones or any foreign objects are not to be deposited in the leaves.
Shredding Event
- Thursday, October 10th from 3:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
- Windsor Township Office
- Township residents only, No businesses
- 2 box limit
Electronics Collection
- Saturday, October 19th
- 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
- Public Works Building – 970 White Oak Road, Windsor
- Township Residents Only – ID required
Compact Fluorescent Light Bulb Recycling
The Township is participating in a program sponsored by PPL Electric to recycle compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs. This is only for the small fluorescent bulbs, not the long fluorescent tubes. You can recycle your unbroken CFL bulbs by bringing them to the Township Office during normal business hours.
Community Events
Recycling containers will be provided for any community event held at a Windsor Township owned facility for materials included in the Windsor Township recycling program.